Month: July 2008

  • Wishlist Updated 2008.07.30

    At the request of a couple people, I updated the wishlist for my birthday. Didn’t add much since I’m not really looking for much, but I did add a few DVD sets that I’d like. Most specifically the MASK sets. I’m really jonesing for those as I did not know they were released last year…

  • Comics: Transformers Megatron Origin TPB

    I recently purchased the Transformers: Megatron Origin TPB on Amazon as part of a larger order. I avoid the Transformers books in the comic shops because its an all or nothing deal. If I picked up any of the books, I’d have to pick up all of the books. That means every issue and every…

  • PowetToys: Animated Starscream

    I put up a new PowetToys video on Powet.TV for the 4th of July. You can see the post here. Now that I finally have all my computers back up and running at full speed for the most part. Editing this video was far easier than videos I have done in the past. It also…

  • The Incredible Hulk

    I finally got to see the Incredible Hulk yesterday. Since today is a holiday and all, we had an early release for work yesterday at 3PM. Conveniently, there was a showing of the movie at 3:45PM over by Fenway. I went with a coworker who is also very much into comics. Spoiler Warning!