Month: November 2010
Brady's Hair
I think the best part of this is that noone can keep a straight face in it. I hope to changing the theme of this blog soon so I can take better advantage of the screen real estate. We are no longer living in a 800×600 world anymore.
Wishlist updated for 2010 holiday season
I updated the wishlist a bit for the upcoming holiday season. Nothing dire or anything I have hopes set on. Mostly just stuff that would be nice to have. Hope this makes things easier for anyone.
How to add a meta-box to an admin page in WordPress
I’ve been developing a plug-in for Powet.TV to automate some background stuff that we do regularly. One of the things I need to do is add a meta-box to the ‘edit post’ administration page. The below image is an example of a very simple meta-box. Its just a standard container for content in the administration…