Month: July 2011

  • WordCamp Boston 2011

    As one might surmise by the badge above, I attended WordCamp Boston this year. It was held right down the street at Boston University. I had only found out that a WordCamp was being held in Boston about a week and a half beforehand. When I saw where it would be, I leaped at the…

  • HD stands for High Definition

    High Definition is an understatement of what this camera is capable of achieving. It has taken nearly six months to get this camera, but I expect the results to be well worth it. I charged it up last night and hope to experiment with some of the myriad features some night this week. I combed…

  • Domain Mapping for WordPress with Multisite and CPanel

    I spent all of my Friday night struggling to get Domain Mapping to work so I thought I would put together a little tutorial to help others since my setup seemed unique. If not unique, not well documented! Here’s what I have: Domain name pointed to the DNS servers of my host CPanel to manage…