Are you THIS tall?

As I got off the train this evening and headed toward the escalator/stairs, this incredibly short woman was walking in front of me. I thought to myself, “Wow, she’s pretty tall for a midget. Maybe she’s a dwarf. I wonder what the book definition would declare her to be. I wonder if she shops for clothes in the kids sec…Oh My God!! She’s getting on the escalator! Shouldn’t she be holding someone’s hand or something?! Is she allowed to ride that? Where’s the sign showing the line that she has to be taller than to get on there?!?!”

Once I got to the top of the steps, though, some good old A.D.D. kicked in and I was none the wiser. As I headed for the exit, I saw some kid kick open a door with a T official right outside. The T official sarcastically told him to have a nice day and the kid flipped him off 3 inches from his face. “Nice. Real nice.” was the guy’s clever and witty response. Good for him for not letting it get to him. It must suck working for the MBTA.


3 responses to “Are you THIS tall?”

  1. You crack me up….whenever i need a little pick me up i just come to this site and have myself a little chuckle. lol

  2. Dude that MBTA guy totally had it coming to him. So what if I kicked the door? If you ever saw the whinos piss all over the door handle you wouldn’t open it with your hands either!!!

  3. There is a difference between opening a door with your foot and kicking a door open out of sheer asshole-itude.

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