Yesterday, at work, we had a Super Bowl party. Having my low tolerance and whatnot, I was fairly well on my way to being smashed after my third beer. I realized that it wasn’t even 5pm yet though and I had no plans of leaving work until 6 anyway. I stopped after that and went back to my cube, hoping noone would need me for anything since I wasn’t really in any condition to do anything except possibly drink more. Coincidentally, it was at that exact moment that the Duke instant messages me and asks if i want to grab a few drinks after work. Already being in a good state of enebriation, I, of course, acquiesced to this notion.

After work, Mike met me in Barnes and Noble in the mall below where I work. I had to pick up a couple books for work and also found two other books I was looking for. I hate going there because I always end up spending too much money because I want to read everything I see. Anyway, we headed out to the front of the mall and walked across the street to The Vox. The Vox is a martini bar that can be a bit uppity at times, but they make some great martinis. I ended up having 3 tiramasu martinis. Its like drinking dessert. Deliciously enebriating and you never notice it until 20 minutes later. As we started to partake in our beverage consumption, a woman that was sitting in front of us at the bar struck up a conversation with the two of us.

Her name was Rachel and when I introduced myself she commented on my name and told us that she grew up with Jennifer Aniston and that they still talk to each other every couple of months. Then she went into the whole breakup story, pretty much telling us that any rumors we’ve heard are most likely true and that Angelina was a big factor in it.

The duke asked her what she did for a living at which point she told us most of her life story for the next 45 minutes to an hour. She married a russian that she later realized was an alcoholic and divorced him. She is now currently in a legal battle for custody of her 5 year old child. (she took pictures out to show us, even though she said we probably couldn’t see them clearly because we were drinking.) She was there last night, to drink heavily because she had to sell a performance Cello which she had won to help finance her legal struggle for her child. She used to be a performance Cellist, but is now a fundraiser for the Boston Symphany.

She went to the bathroom at one point, came back, asked the Duke to borrow his cellphone so she could talk to her five year old and then came back to show us those pictures of him. Meanwhile, the guy who had been sitting next to her originally before we came in, finally returned from whereever he was and introduced himself to us as TJ or CJ. He asked if Duke and I were brothers or cousins. We told him we were just friends. Rachel told us that is said a lot about us that we were best friends and have been for so long and that we had a lot of character and were good guys. You know me. I’m a good guy. 🙂

TJ asked me what I did and I said I was a computer programmer. He said he worked for Keane and that he was an IT recruiter and then he gave me his business card. Rachel left soon after.

We stuck around for one more round of martinis. There was a fairly sultry redhead sitting next to where Rachel had been sitting and she had kept looking at me in the bar mirror. Some old bald man next to her starting talking to her and my appetite was becoming apparent so we headed out for South Boston to get some Alfredo’s. Of course I’m so smashed I nearly fall in a snow bank while still carrying my laptop bag with me and all the books I bought in B&N.

Then the night ended as most of my enebriated evenings end. I came home, ate my sub, and flirted with younger females online for the 2 hours and proceeded to pass out in my bed.

I am a magnet for the out-of-the-ordinary.


One response to “Rachel”

  1. a happy couple enters the bar, dangerously close to one another.
    the bar man looks up from his want ads….

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