WordPress 1.5

I have upgraded the database and everything else to the lastest version of WordPress.

I know a bunch of things are broken now. I’m working on it.

If you see anything wrong other than something with the books, currently reading, movies, or other amazon related media content let me know.

The new version brings such features as a one time approval for comments, which has been a complaint from numerous people. Now if you are a registered user, I only have to approve one comment from you and all future comments made by you will automatically post.

Theres a new themes manager which seems interesting, but its wreaking havoc to the heavily modified layout I recently put up. Still working on that.

There is a new control panel for me that none of you will ever see, but its a bit better.

As I find other new features I’ll update.


10 responses to “WordPress 1.5”

  1. when I type in fightingreality.com, I don’t get here.

  2. -_-

    my roommate said that to me today too. I’m getting there…

    having trouble getting the books and dvds pages to work properly. Its getting rather aggravating.

  3. From now on, only registered users may leave comments.

    Matt, Mike and anyone else who wants to post now needs to register an account. Jess is the only one who has an account right now.

  4. email no likes me 🙁

  5. Yeah, thats gonna be a problem. The emails don’t work. I didn’t realize it needed to send you an email. Brinkster requires special treatment to prevent their sites from spamming. I’ll have to get to that later. In the meantime, if I see you’ve registered an account, I’ll assign it a password and email it to the email you provide in your account info.

  6. okie

  7. Testing to make sure once a comment is approved future comments will post immediately…

  8. Success!

  9. Hmm, I just noticed I took out the links for the RSS feeds when I put the layout up. Oops.

    Note to self, add that back in…and make new theme file for comment pages.

  10. Well, now I feel terribly l337

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