Month: January 2005
I got another email from the control tester working on the data my code generated. This is the same code that my manager had that talk to me about. The email contained a 5 page word document with examples of more errors. -__- Its really really frustrating to really like your job, really want to…
Lost in Snow
Not only did I not go to work this morning, but my housemate dropped my spare car keys in the snow-covered driveway and later on my other housemate used the snowblower. I’m so not getting another set made. I’ll find them in the Spring.
No Parking
So I woke up late by about ten minutes and missed my turn in the shower, which meant I would be about 20 more minutes late. By the time the shower was free again it was already 7 and the T parking lot closes right about 7:30. There was no chance I would have made…
2005.20.01 – Successes
Woke up late and had to work at home because of no T parking. (ok thats not really a success.)