Month: January 2005

  • No Fan Mail

    I was just over at Kitta.Net because her blog rocks and I was reading this enthralling post and wondering why I never get cool fan mail. Then it occurred to me…I still haven’t setup my email account for the site.

  • Eat this Betamax!

    Now I have a DVD section! Go check out what I’m watching and what I think through the link on the left.

  • Support the Printing Press

    Help control the Printing Press population. Have your books spayed or neutered…er I mean buy books! I like to read, so I added a new section for books I’ve read lately in case anyone is interested in knowing what I read or whats good. The link on the left should work.

  • Aborted Baby

    I’ve come to the conclusion that this new color scheme looks like an aborted baby; blood red and disfigured. Don’t expect it to stay long. Though I might keep it on hand in case I make a selectable CSS choice. In that case, this will be named the Aborted Baby Scheme.

  • A bit of Red

    I was playing the css on this page trying to get some less bland colors going. I hate color coordinating. It always ends up looking like someone puked on a wall and made it into whatever I’m working on or threw a bucket of paint against the wall and did similar. In this case I…

  • Not down again?

    Weird. Site was down again most of the afternoon…

  • 3 foot snow commuting

    Commuting in 3 feet of snow has its perks…Sometimes.

  • Site Not Down

    I was all worried my blog was gone because it was giving a database error yesterday when I went to the blog page. Obviously this is not the case and it was just a blip or something. Pheww…

  • Down the drain

    I can already feel the day going downhill. I got up to take my shower this morning and there was 2 inches of standing water. It wasn’t even slowly draining. So, I did what any other level headed member of my household would do. I ignored it and washed my hair in the sink. I…

  • Summer Gatherings: Step One

    Demona and I have been talking about this for a while and collecting data. We are organizing a gathering during the summer sometime based around one of the many summer anime conventions. We have knowledge that the Transformer Convention this year won’t be until the fall, so we thought it’d be good to keep a…