Author: Crazy
Are you THIS tall?
As I got off the train this evening and headed toward the escalator/stairs, this incredibly short woman was walking in front of me. I thought to myself, “Wow, she’s pretty tall for a midget. Maybe she’s a dwarf. I wonder what the book definition would declare her to be. I wonder if she shops for…
Crack Patch Kids
Ever watch one of those high school sitcoms where a health class would hand out doll babies that assigned couples were charged to take care of? Well, teens in the UK are being subjected to the same thing except in this case their dolls are actually Crack babies who mimick actual babies that were born…
My Next Mode of Transportation
I think I have found a replacement for the shaggin’ wagon. Check it out! Link.
Link Dump 2005.03.15
‘Wedgie’ has been added to the Webster’s Dictionary. Link. Manhole cover theft is a problem in China. Link. High to mid level bowling balls are now being offered in scents, increasing sales. Link. Don’t try to ‘reason’ with chimps. They will totally flip out and kick your ass. Link. Yahoo Question of the day for…
Art Clarification
Just as a clarification on the art section of this site. All the art in there was done by me. Someone asked last night, so I wanted to point that out to everyone. I will have to put that at the top of that page. ‘Art by me’ or something equally as clever.
The signs of winter's end have arrived.
My housemates have reinstituted nightly beirut. Summer is nearly here. Good Times.
Sad news for Wisconsin
There was some sad news to report from the Wisconsin area. Ace reporter Zac Shipley was there to take photos. Link.
Made with whole bits!
Wow! Sometimes I even surprise myself. Here is the new layout, as promised, with time to spare, no less. I definitely took a few short cuts because I was starting to fall asleep and I wanted to get most if not all of this done in one go. If you see any quirks or have…