Watch, Read, Listen

  • Botcon 2010

    I have finally gotten around to posting the gallery for Botcon 2010 on Orlando, Florida. Maybe sometime I’ll get to doing the gallery for 2009. Above you can see the obligatory group photo. Unfortunately, it was done very impromptu as Ernie and Rubin were trying to leave, so we couldn’t find Sam nor Robert in…

  • Surprise! I'm 29.

    This post has been saved as a draft for almost a year now. Oops! Thank goodness I cut my hair, though! I’m still a little shellshocked from the surprise weeks later. I was truly touched at both the number of people that came out and how well kept a secret this turned out to be.

  • Wishlist kind of updated

    I updated my wishlist at the request of some friends. Ignore the ‘Older Stuff’ section. I need to clean that up. Most of the update was me crossing things out that I had bought myself over the past year. I didn’t really add that much either. There’s just not a lot I’m looking for right…

  • 2 He-Men, Faker and a little stop-motion

    Still catching up a bit here and wanted to drop the link on anyone who hasn’t seen my video for January 2010 just yet. Link. This is by far my most ambitious video to date in nearly every way. Not as funny as some older ones, but definitely pushing the envelope on my editing and…

  • Another Day, Another Disabled Escalator

    Another day, another disabled escalator at Copley Place. Aside from several MBTA stations, I can think of no other place on my travels around the city of Boston that has broken down escalators more often than those in the Copley Mall. Considering this is supposed to be the ‘trendy’ mall for the city, you’d think…

  • Cheerios Super-Fast Pull Back Racer

    I opened a new box of Cheerios today at work and to my surprise it contained a super-fast pull back racer inside. This is especially cool to me because as a child, I never ate much in the morning, nevermind a normal cereal that had free stuff inside. It came with a sticker sheet and…

  • PowetTV's first collaboration – First Annual PowetTV Awards

    I’ll be playing a little catch up here and there since I’ve missed so much in my blogging absence. The end of December brought about the first collaborative video done by the PowetTV staff. Our original intention on the site was to pool our resources and do lots of collaborative videos, but due to scheduling,…

  • FightingReality's new life

    Well, I guess its safe to say at this point. This site has been successfully upgraded to a newer version of WordPress. Version number will not be mentioned for security purposes. The site is now hosted by a new company. After 10 years with Brinkster, I threw in the towel. They were great as eWebCity…

  • Halloween 2009

    Yesterday marks one of my favorite times of year. Halloween. Its one of those instances where I really like to go all out. Normally I keep my costume a big a secret and work on it for months ahead of time. Now that Brenna is here, I figured we should do a group/couples costume and…

  • Annual Birthday Wishlist Update

    I had a couple requests from people for me to update my wishlist for my birthday. I have done so. I set it up a little differently this time. Ignore the Old Stuff section. You can see the list here. There are a few items that are not actually out yet, but I felt like…