Author: Crazy

  • Back from Botcon 2008

    I’ve been back for over a week now, but I am still trying to recover. As is standard, my room is in shambles due to the sudden influx of new stuff. There are quite a few items I’d like to do video reviews on, but I can’t seem to get my room clean enough to…

  • Botcon 2008 approaches

    Today, I work from home. Tonight, I go to the Celtics playoff game. Tomorrow, I go to Botcon. Its going to be a long haul until I’m finally there, but the excitement is building. Tomorrow, I will be meeting Brendan at the airport and we will fly to Milwaukee. In Milwaukee, we will meet Sam…

  • Sky Lynx gets some love

    This past weekend I was finally able to put a new video for PowetTV. Show notes available here. I’ve had a serious problem getting videos up with any regularity over the past year. I’ve really only put up about 4 videos. The prior year I was able to put one up almost every month. This…

  • Gallery upgraded and restored

    In the past week or two, someone took it upon themselves to update the gallery plug-in I use. Lazyest Gallery I have updated the plugin on the backend and everything seems to be working appropriately thus far. This comes just in time for Botcon, but thats a story for another post. Enjoy the galleries!

  • Pepsi Prime

    After being the butt of many a joke over at the Powet Forums, it seems that Pepsi Prime has finally arrived at his destination. What Zac doesn’t know is that the bottles of Pepsi that Prime’s trailer was made to hold, aren’t available in the United States. The bottles of Pepsi in Japan are actually…

  • AnimeBoston Line of Despair Apology

    The AnimeBoston forums is currently featuring an apology post from the chairperson of registration. I mentioned in an earlier post that we waited in the registration line for 4 hours on Friday, even after we preregistered months in advance. We had it easy though. Those who did not preregister were in line for anywhere from…

  • YouTube API

    I had heard recently that Google had released an API for YouTube. For those not in the know, an API is short for Application Programming Interface. Basically, its a programming hook that would allow me some aspect of control over whatever the API is for. I know, I know. Its still a little confusing. To…

  • Bridal Shower

    If you’ve been around me lately, you may know that my sister is getting married in June. This past Sunday was the bridal shower. This was the first time I had ever been to one, which isn’t that odd considering its mostly a women’s event. I probably asked no less than four people what was…

  • WordPress 2.5 is now running at WordPress 2.5. The good news and the bad… Good News: We appear to be fully upgraded. You won’t notice much on the front end, but the admin interface is completely reworked and will take some getting used to. Bad News: Not sure if its a bug, but I already ran…

  • Empty Promises

    Oh Blog. How I have abused and abandoned you. I made empty promise after empty promise to tend to your upkeep. I am here to make a new set of possibly empty promises to you so that you will not leave me and wander the Tubes like the orphan I have forced you to become.…