Watch, Read, Listen

  • Cheerios Super-Fast Pull Back Racer

    I opened a new box of Cheerios today at work and to my surprise it contained a super-fast pull back racer inside. This is especially cool to me because as a child, I never ate much in the morning, nevermind a normal cereal that had free stuff inside. It came with a sticker sheet and…

  • PowetTV's first collaboration – First Annual PowetTV Awards

    I’ll be playing a little catch up here and there since I’ve missed so much in my blogging absence. The end of December brought about the first collaborative video done by the PowetTV staff. Our original intention on the site was to pool our resources and do lots of collaborative videos, but due to scheduling,…

  • FightingReality's new life

    Well, I guess its safe to say at this point. This site has been successfully upgraded to a newer version of WordPress. Version number will not be mentioned for security purposes. The site is now hosted by a new company. After 10 years with Brinkster, I threw in the towel. They were great as eWebCity…

  • Halloween 2009

    Yesterday marks one of my favorite times of year. Halloween. Its one of those instances where I really like to go all out. Normally I keep my costume a big a secret and work on it for months ahead of time. Now that Brenna is here, I figured we should do a group/couples costume and…

  • Annual Birthday Wishlist Update

    I had a couple requests from people for me to update my wishlist for my birthday. I have done so. I set it up a little differently this time. Ignore the Old Stuff section. You can see the list here. There are a few items that are not actually out yet, but I felt like…

  • PowetToys: RotF Starscream

    I posted a new video on Powet.TV reviewing Revenge of the Fall Voyager Class Starscream. It was kind of rushed and its pretty obvious to tell where I had a script and where I was just rambling. Its not terrible, but its lacking something. The toy itself is fun. Comparing it with the old one,…

  • Jim Lee's X-Men door poster

    I just discovered that earlier this week marked the release of a recolored door poster by Jim Lee. Not just any door poster, mind you, but the door poster to end all door posters. This was one of many posters Jim Lee did when the second adjective-less X-Men book debuted in the 90’s featuring his…

  • Total Eclipse of the Heart

    This is what we did after Zac’s wedding reception in Wisconsin this past weekend. More on the wedding later!

  • New Checks

    Just before the AnimeBoston/Botcon combo hit me, I ran out of checks to pay bills. This might be the first time in roughly five years or more that I’ve run out of checks. I think the second time ever. Last time, there was a little slip at the back of the last checkbook to order…

  • Revenge of the Fallen Wheelie

    New review is up! Revenge of the Fallen Wheelie I did this entire video in rhyme in honor of the original Wheelie. I really liked the RotF Wheelie. I heard someone complain that he was too much like Joe Pesci, but honestly had they not made him like that, even more people would have complained…