Month: October 2006
Wishlist Updated
I updated the Wishlist. There’s not much I am desiring at the moment, so I just added a bunch of DVD sets I haven’t gotten around to buying yet. If I think of more, I’ll be sure to add it.
Flash Game of the Week: Line Rider
This isn’t really a game in the sense that it has an ending or a purpose, but its a neat flash nonetheless. Just make a line for the sledder to sled down. Thats about it. Line Rider.
Playing Catch Up
Since I’ve been back from the convention, I feel like I’ve been playing catch up. When I got back to work I was immediately hit with a highly urgent project that had a 3 work-day turn around. I also had a LOT of post-convention decompression to take care of for Powet.TV. We didn’t get as…
Botcon 2006 Day 1
The first day of the trip to Botcon was a very long day of travel. After getting lost on the way to the airport several times, which is standard in Boston, I made it with plenty of time to spare before my flight. I sat at my gate jotting down some notes to myself and…
Botcon 2006 Gallery posted
Pictures are up from last weekend’s convention in Lexington, Kentucky. I will say that I am embarassed at how few pictures I took of people. Most especially the fact, that we never got a group shot since we try to do one each year. Most disappointing. Enjoy what there is. You can see them here.…
Botcon 2006 Departure and Return
I meant to post before departing for the convention, but ran out of time. Needless to say, I am back in action and have lots to do in follow-up to Botcon. I will update with more when I have it ready.