Author: Crazy

  • WordPress 2.1

    FightingReality is now on WordPress 2.1. It is fantastically full of some new features that I’ve wanted both in this version and the previous couple I skipped. I can even do automated backups. Unfortunately the backup plugin doesn’t come default anymore so I had to manually install it. Otherwise it was a completely smooth upgrade.…

  • Vacation is Over

    ‘No rest for the wary’ is right. I’ve been back from the cruise for 16 days and back to work for about 14. I haven’t even had time to update this blog. I have lots of pictures to upload from both the cruise and New Years at the Braintree House. I have a couple of…

  • Bon Voyage!

    Have a happy holiday! See you all in the new year! I’m off to the Caribbean. Possibly to become a pirate. Arrrr!

  • No rest for the wary

    I’ve been pretty busy lately and have had lots of stuff to blog, but just haven’t gotten to it. I hope to address that in the near future, but I’ll be going away again for a week. This time my family is going on a cruise leaving San Juan, Puerto Rico and visiting such hot…

  • Halloween 2006: Captain America Part 5

    Ok this isn’t really part 5. Ed sent me a picture from the party, though, that I happen to like a lot. I am genuinely happy and don’t look too much like a fool. This was immediately after I won the table radio in the raffle. I am 2 for 2 for the raffles so…

  • Fan of a fan

    As I said a few posts ago, I posted a video for Powet on the 4 Horsemen’s FANtastic Exclusive figures from their 7th Kingdom property. When they saw it, they said it was awesome and that they were going to send me the figure I was missing and a free T-shirt. Well the package was…

  • Flash Game of the Week: Miner

    Thanks goes out to Max on this one. Another stupid game that you can’t help but get addicted to. In this one you have to drop your line down into the cavern to try and collect as many artifacts as possible. Very simple. Give it a shot. I got to level 8 without much trouble.…

  • Powet Toys: FANtastic Exclusive 2006

    Yesterday saw the release of another PowetToys video segment I made. It was very warmly received. So much so that, after posting it on the FANtastic Forums, the Four Horsemen (who created and sculpted these figures) responded saying that it was awesome and they were going to send me a free T-Shirt and the Variant…

  • Modern Day History Lessons

    Wandering aimlessly from youTube video to youTube video, as I do often, I came across the most fascinating series of clips that I have found yet. I sat there for all ten minutes of the first clip, absolutely enthralled by what this man had to say. He is a 94 year old World War 2…

  • Photo Opportunity

    After some careful consideration, I decided I needed a new digital camera. I have a wonderful camera right now, but its just too bulky and too big to tote around at the conventions. I need to have a camera that can be taken out quickly and be ready to snap photos right away and I…