Author: Crazy

  • Movements of the Bowel

    Everyday at work around 2 o’clock or so there is a guy that is always in the bathroom. He is not washing his hands. He is not at the urinal. He is dropping a deuce, pinching off a loaf, dropping the Cosby kids off at the pool, however you like to say it. This guy…

  • About that time

    You know its about time to go grocery shopping when your options for food are limited to Twizzlers, Spray Cheese, and packets of McDonalds’ Sweet ‘n Sour Sauce.

  • Baltimore has crabs.

    Got back late last night from Baltimore. Had a blast. Jeff and I went to the Red Sox/Orioles games on Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

  • Summer 2005 Trip #1

    The time has come for me to depart on the first journey of many this summer. I will be tresspassing beyond the boundaries of this fair city and into the city limits of Baltimore. Jeff and I will be in attendance at all 3 Red Sox games at Camden Yards this weekend and I’m sure…

  • Creative's New Contender

    Ah Creative. Just as I am starting to write a blog entry that completely slams you and your ineffective ability to market your products, you show us another nugget of gadget goodness. I will share my complaints before I go into their latest offering. Creative has some top notch, quality products in the portable audio…

  • Yay Literacy!

    The Lowdown on the Sony Librie E-Book Reader and the recent firmware upgrade to translate the interface to English.

  • Thieving IPods

    In the past 2 weeks, 3 IPods have been stolen here at work. One was in an unlocked draw of a cubicle, another was on a desk in an office, and I don’t know any details of the third one. The first two happened between 6pm and 8pm while the individuals were out getting dinner.…

  • Gone Fishin'

    I went fishing with my dad yesterday. It was pretty cool. We didn’t have much luck at first. My dad kept catching fish that were not for eating. I caught a Cod that was about a foot long and we had to throw it back. After moving to several different spots, my line jerked and…

  • Postal Conflict

    So, apparently I either never registered the email account or I have utterly no recollection of the password, which is unusual for me. Either way, I don’t have it, so I changed the email address up top. I have that name and I check it to boot. I have yet to get a single…

  • Link Dump 2005.06.03

    Realized I hadn’t made an update in a while. Sorry about that. Here’s a new Link Dump to settle your need for escape. The Darth Blog – Brings amazing insight into a character we don’t really know once he hit his turning point and beyond. Vin Diesel Randomness – As if anyone hasn’t seen this…