Author: Crazy

  • BUDA

    I have been playing ultimate frisbee every Saturday at noon-thirty for the past two years and every summer for four years prior to that. I’m no stranger to the game, but we are far from playing by any type of official rules or on an official field. Eventually, I had always wanted most of us…

  • Start Swimming

    A friend of mine told me to go to Google Maps and get directions from New York to London, then look at step 23. Better get those swimming trunks out!

  • It wasn't not my resolution

    Clearly my new years’ resolution was not to be better about blogging…Updates coming soon…

  • Flash Game of the Week: Awful

    I don’t really know what this game is called. Its all in another language that I don’t know, but my keen intellect translates its name to Awful. Really, thats sums up my feelings for this game. Its pretty intuitive, so have a go at it. Just try to keep your fury to a minimum. It…

  • 1944 – 2007

    Captain America has died. And with him, a little piece of me.

  • Whale of a Dream

    The other night I had this dream that I was on a ranch or something out in the mid-west maybe. I had this sprawling house, like in Casino, seemingly in the middle of all this land. For whatever reason, I was preparing for some sort of show. When I went outside in back, there was…

  • Flash Game of the Week: Tower Defense

    This game is pretty simple as usual. Tower Defense basically has you set up defenses along a route. You have to stop all the invaders before they get to your castle. Each time an invader gets to your castle, a civilian dies. You have ten civilians. My high score is 50. Tower Defense. Thanks to…

  • New Years 2007

    After I got back from the cruise, I had about 2 hours to eat and get dressed up in either a suit or a costume for the big new years bash being thrown at the Braintree House. I thought dressing in a suit and consuming alcohol would be a poor combination so while I was…

  • Brood War Rising

    As of this past Friday, January 26th, 2007, I am giving all challengers a three week head start before I install Starcraft on my laptop. Get your Firebats, Templar, and Hydralisks ready because on February 9th, I’ll be setting that race to random and taking on whatever you guys throw at me. So if your…

  • Nerd Talk

    This is what toy nerds talk about online. The figures in question are Hercules, Ultimate Iron Man and Planet Hulk. All from the Marvel Legends line from Hasbro. Session Start: Sun Jan 28 17:33:01 2007 [17:33] Me: annihilus’ wing is kinda neat [17:33] Brendan: you opened herc! [17:33] Me: and iron man and hulk [17:34]…