Author: Crazy
Halloween 2006: Captain America Part 4
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 When last we left our patriotic guise, we were painting the white stripe of the shield with its first coat of white paint.
Halloween 2006: Captain America Part 3
You can see Part 1 here and Part 2 here. In Part 2, I riveted a handle and arm strap on to the sled, so I could hold it with my left arm. I still needed to address the whole sewing obstacle and paint the sled.
Halloween 2006: Captain America Part 2
When last we left our patriotic costume, we had just finished drawing all the details onto the front of the shield and then went to bed. Next on the list of things to do was the handles.
Halloween 2006: Captain America Part 1
For some reason, about a month and a half ago I decided that I absolutely had to be Captain America for Halloween. For many weeks, I plotted and looked at pictures of the icon to see how I could make the costume work without it looking campy.
A series of unfortunate events
So about a month ago, my best friend asked me if I was interested in some discounted Celtics tickets. I said sure. The last Celtics game I had been to featured Robert Parish, Kevin McHale, and Larry Bird. A couple weeks ago, my friend asked me for the money and I handed it over without…
Wishlist Updated
I updated the Wishlist. There’s not much I am desiring at the moment, so I just added a bunch of DVD sets I haven’t gotten around to buying yet. If I think of more, I’ll be sure to add it.
Flash Game of the Week: Line Rider
This isn’t really a game in the sense that it has an ending or a purpose, but its a neat flash nonetheless. Just make a line for the sledder to sled down. Thats about it. Line Rider.
Playing Catch Up
Since I’ve been back from the convention, I feel like I’ve been playing catch up. When I got back to work I was immediately hit with a highly urgent project that had a 3 work-day turn around. I also had a LOT of post-convention decompression to take care of for Powet.TV. We didn’t get as…
Botcon 2006 Day 1
The first day of the trip to Botcon was a very long day of travel. After getting lost on the way to the airport several times, which is standard in Boston, I made it with plenty of time to spare before my flight. I sat at my gate jotting down some notes to myself and…