Category: Work

  • Vacation is Over

    ‘No rest for the wary’ is right. I’ve been back from the cruise for 16 days and back to work for about 14. I haven’t even had time to update this blog. I have lots of pictures to upload from both the cruise and New Years at the Braintree House. I have a couple of…

  • A series of unfortunate events

    So about a month ago, my best friend asked me if I was interested in some discounted Celtics tickets. I said sure. The last Celtics game I had been to featured Robert Parish, Kevin McHale, and Larry Bird. A couple weeks ago, my friend asked me for the money and I handed it over without…

  • Work From Home



    So my company’s lease expires on August 31 for the office space we occupy. I should really say occupied, but I’ll get to that. We have a new office space all lined up across the street. Unfortunately, due to the heavy layers of beauracracy and red tape, leases and contracts needed approval after approval until…

  • August 17th

    Today is my birthday. I am officially 26 years old. Outside of the Nintendo DS from last weekend and the giant bear hug from my roommate (thanks Nat!) this morning, its been fairly uneventful. I’ll be heading back to Braintree this evening for our weekly Uno’s gathering, but I don’t envision that being anything out…

  • Speakerphone

    My workplace is in a cubicle setting. Our inner sea of cubicles is surrounded by an outter wall of offices. Many of the occupants of said offices have a tendency to use a common feature of their phone called, speakerphone. And by use I mean abuse to the point where often times someone will walk…

  • Fill 'er up



    I had a dream last night that something went wrong at work and I got blamed for it. In response, I got transfered to another division of my colossal corporation. At some point I had come to the realization that my new division was actually in fact a gas station in an underground parking lot…

  • PUSH

    As I sat this morning, in the weekly workflow meeting, I watched Ken pick up a bundled cable of ethernet cord and unwrap it. He then proceeded to tie one end to the handle of the door to the conference room we were in. As he sat back down, he was unraveling the rest of…

  • The Hardest Button to Button



    I went to the bathroom this afternoon just before I left work. As I was finishing up at the urinal, one of my coworkers sidled up to the other urinal and went about his business. I zipped up my fly and my fingers went to feel for the button to button up the top, but…

  • Covert Ops at Work: Loungin'

    Pictures have been taken and smuggled out. Brace yourselves men, there is a lounge in the womens’ bathroom! After weeks of hearing rumors and being a naysayer, I have come into possession of conclusive evidence that, there is in fact a lounge area in the womens’ bathroom here at work. I refused to believe, even…

  • Beware the Lunch Coma!



    There are few things that motivate me to change old habits. I have found a new one in the form of the Lunch Coma. I do not have the most exciting of jobs, but I do like it and wish to be better in it. Everyday at lunch, I normally have a large meal. Its…